• Office:
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Trash Reminder

Trash Reminder

TRASH AND RECYCLING PICKUP: Trash is collected on Mondays and Thursdays, and recycling is collected on Thursdays between 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM. Trash and recycling containers are permitted in public view only on the evening before trash day and the day of trash collection. Trash and recycling shall be placed in covered containers. Recycling: …

Parking Permits

Parking Permits

Valid Parking Permit         Previous Parking Permit – DO NOT USE – YOUR CAR WILL BE TOWED       How to Request a Parking Permit Replacement: Each property owner in Greenbelt Station was issued two (2) resident parking permits per residence. If a parking permit is lost, a replacement can be …

Thank You Activities Committee

Thank You Activities Committee

A big thank you to the Activities Committee for organizing the Happy Hour event on Sunday, January 19, at La Curva Restaurant! The event was a success, with around 20 residents in attendance. Thank you again to the Activities Committee members for making this event successful!

Prevent Frozen Pipes

Prevent Frozen Pipes

Due to the unusually low temperatures expected in the area, the City of Greenbelt has provided the following prevention tips: Set home thermostats above 55 degrees during cold weather. Drip cold water in the farthest faucet from your main valve. Moving water keeps pipes from freezing. Find shut off valves for emergencies. Insulate pipes in …

Christmas Tree Collection

Christmas Tree Collection

Your discarded Christmas Tree can be recycled. The Public Works Department will start picking up trees at the location listed below on December 30. The trees will be processed through the woodchipper. The chips will be used as mulch around trees and flower beds. Please remove all ornaments, lights, and tree stands. The location will be …

Winter Weather Advice

Winter Weather Advice

WINTER WEATHER ADVICE – PREPARING FOR A POTENTIAL SNOWSTORM SUNDAY NIGHT INTO MONDAY Management will closely monitor the weather this weekend and stay in regular contact with the snow removal vendor to ensure timely updates and preparedness. To facilitate efficient snow clearing, the Association’s snow removal vendor kindly requests your cooperation with the following: Please …