For Condominium Owners – The Courts, The Pointe & The Vistas
Tidewater, your condominium management company, has switched to a new portal effective 1/1/24. The site is being updated daily with historical information, including governing documents, association information, and account information, and you can submit architectural or maintenance requests directly from the portal. An app version of the portal will be released in the next few months. Owners must register their accounts and can access the site directly via tidewaterproperty.com. Once registered, owners may select to receive electronic communication from us. If you want to join this service, please make sure that we are included on your safe sender list so that our emails do not end up in your spam folder. Emails will come from noreply@tidewaterproperty.com. You can always email the community manager directly with questions or get more information at fshockley@tidewaterproperty.com.