Baypoint Utilities, LLC Reminder – Water & Sewer Assessment Due in January
A friendly reminder that your annual water & sewer assessment is due each 1/01, payable to Baypoint Utilities, LLC.
Previously, the county governments installed the water and sewer lines in subdivisions and recouped the cost of construction over a period of years by either a “front foot benefit charge” or an addition to the real estate tax bill. However, MOST counties no longer install these facilities in new subdivisions and require the developer of the community to construct them as part of its responsibilities. The developer then arranges for a company to construct the necessary facilities, with the costs to be recouped over a number of years, similar to the county system.
You, as the owner of your home, are responsible for paying the charges. Your bank or mortgage company may have established an escrow account for the charges, just as it did for your homeowner’s insurance and real estate property taxes. You should confirm this, and if an escrow was established, forward the bill to your lender with a request that it be paid from your escrow account. Please remember, however, that as the property owner, you are ultimately responsible for payment of the charges.
Checks and money orders should be mailed to the “Remit To” address on your bill. You can also visit their website at www.utilityassessments.com for more information.