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2024 Greenbelt Station 2nd Property Inspection Notice

2024 Greenbelt Station 2nd Property Inspection Notice

2024 Greenbelt Station 2nd Property Inspection Notice

The annual property inspections were performed in May, and we have scheduled a reinspection for Friday, July 12, to ensure the reported issues were addressed. If you received a notice, please review the letter to address the items noted. These inspections are vital in maintaining property values and keeping Greenbelt Station a pleasant and beautiful community to call home.

Each home was evaluated during the inspection; if necessary, a notice of non-compliance was sent after the inspection. The violations frequently noted are highlighted below.

Front door faded or in need of repairs
• Missing or faded shutters
• Trim work in good repair
• Algae on brick or vinyl siding
• Front steps and walkways clean
• Landscape maintenance – Tree and bushes trimmed, flower beds free of weeds, weeds removed from rocks by driveway
• Trash cans are properly stored and not in public view. Trash cans must be kept out of public and plain view on non-collection days

The above are just some of the items typically noted during the inspection. We will also note exterior modifications to confirm that an approved application is on file with the Association. Please remember that exterior changes require approval before beginning the project. The exterior modification application can be found online at www.ciranet.com/residentportal.

Thank you for your assistance in keeping your community beautiful.